How to email PDF JobTracker forms

Mar 7, 2013 | JobTracker Tips

When we released version 4.0 of JobTracker at the beginning of January, one of the most common questions was “How do I email the PDF form to my customer?Here’s how:

  1. First, Print a form or packet, either from the calendar, job detail page, or a JobTracker quote.
  2. In Adobe, click on the Adobe Acrobat icon, which will give you the menu bar.
  3. Now you can click on the envelope icon & choose Attach, then Send Copy to send the email.

If you’ve got other questions, check out our help.

Want to know more? At Moraware, we make software for countertop fabricators. CounterGo is countertop drawing, layout, and estimating software. JobTracker is scheduling software that helps you eliminate the time you waste looking for job folders. RemnantSwap is a free place to buy and sell granite remnants with fabricators near you.