Fabricator Profile: Real Deal Countertops

Jun 6, 2018 | Customer Profile

Eric and I had the opportunity to visit with Matt at Real Deal Countertops in Summerville, South Carolina. Matt had originally started out in Massachusetts, but decided to trade the cold and snow for the warmth and sunshine of South Carolina. And no surprise, he’s not regretting his decision to follow the sun! In fact, his shop has large open doors allowing for fresh air and plenty of natural light. Thank you to Matt and his team for hosting us in beautiful Charleston!

Working in a Vacation Zone

To get started, we spent some time talking about how Matt uses Moraware, answered a couple technical questions he had, and discussed what some of his business challenges are. Living and working in a prime vacation area means a different timetable for peak work months. For example, vacation rentals are most popular in the Charleston area May through late August. This means business begins to slow after tax season, towards the beginning of May, then picks up after the renters leave in late summer/early fall. And that’s when homeowners typically upgrade and work on their homes and rental properties. Being aware of this challenge and planning ahead for it helps Real Deal Countertops stay successful.

Going Paperless

Matt faced a common business problem that many shop owner’s can relate to. How do you minimize paper in the office and get rid of file folders once and for all? Matt is ready to make that happen. He has devoted time to bringing technology into his business and business processes. He is getting his staff trained and soon, Matt will set a date to be nearly paperless.

And we are excited to be part of the journey, ready to help answer questions as his team moves forward, leaving manila file folders behind!

A big thank you again to Matt and Real Deal Countertops for spending some time with us and showing us their beautiful shop! If you’d like to read more profiles of countertop fabricators, sign up for our monthly newsletter, here:


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