What’s happening in RemnantSwap

If you’re a countertop fabricator and you haven’t checked out RemnantSwap, you’re missing out on one of the most useful free tools in our industry. We built that website with a very explicit goal – to connect countertop fabricators who were...

Top 10 RemnantSwap colors for 2012

Happy New Year! There was quite a bit of action on RemnantSwap in 2012, here’s a list of the top colors, by number of remnants: New Venetian Gold Verde Bordeaux Uba Tuba Giallo Ornamental Santa Cecilia Tan Brown Black Pearl Tropic Brown Cappuccino...

What’s hot on RemnantSwap?

RemnantSwap is a totally free website that lets fabricators buy and sell countertop remnants without a middleman. Here’s what’s being posted and searched for recently. What kind of remnants? There are over 19,000 remnants on RemnantSwap, with an incredible...

RemnantSwap survey results

Last month, we did a 1-minute survey about RemnantSwap. Thanks for everyone who participated. Here are the results. To see a larger version of the result charts with a legend, click on the picture. Do you care about buying or selling remnants? When we built...

One minute RemnantSwap survey

We need your help making RemnantSwap better. I’d really appreciate if you could spend one minute answering this survey: Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool. Although RemnantSwap has been growing at a...