Using Auto-schedule

Nov 2, 2012 | JobTracker Tips

JobTracker lets you schedule activities automatically, using Auto-Schedule. The way it works is that you

  1. set the status of the activity to Auto-Schedule,
  2. and then you set up Dependencies between activities

You can set up dependencies either before or after activities, and you can have multiple dependencies on each activity. Here’s a short video that shows how to add Auto-Schedule and dependencies, along with a few examples.

If you need more help with auto-schedule, check out our help.

Want to know more? At Moraware, we make software for countertop fabricators. CounterGo is countertop drawing and estimating software. JobTracker is scheduling software that helps you eliminate the time you waste looking for job folders. RemnantSwap is a free place to buy and sell granite remnants with fabricators near you.