Make sure activities don’t fall through the cracks

May 4, 2016 | Business, JobTracker Tips

The #1 use for JobTracker is to schedule your templates and installs. If you’re a new JobTracker customer, that’s the first thing we help you do (followed closely by helping you keep all your job information in one place).

But for most successful fabricators, it’s not enough simply to schedule activities – you want to make sure they don’t fall through the cracks.


Cracks in real life, photo by

The key to making sure things actually get done is to mark your activities complete in JobTracker as soon as they are complete in the real world. Then you can create customized job views to show you all the “work that needs to be done but hasn’t yet been done” (kind of like an interconnected series of to-do lists for you and your employees).

When you follow this approach, you’ll find that you and your team communicate more efficiently – no more having to ask what’s done and what isn’t because you see it right there on the screen – and soon you’ll start gaining back some of your most valuable asset: TIME.

Read this new guide to learn more.